UNIVERSITY ما يهزك ريح
LC UNIVERSITY, established in 11/11/1987 in Campus El Manar. This year marks the 37th year of its existence as part of AIESEC in Tunisia. It is located in "FST" in Campus El Manar.
We keep pushing forward and don't give up, even when things get tough or we face big challenges.
Work Hard, Play Harder, Work Even Harder
We have fun but stay focused on what we need to do.
Stronger than our Strongest Excuses
We cultivate resilience in our LC, overcoming challenges to drive personal and collective growth.
We make smart choices because we’ve learned from the past.
Leadership Development Opportunities
Creating environments for transformative leadership experiences that build confidence and inspire innovation.
Building soft skills to improve communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.
Creating opportunities for youth to meet, learn, and grow together through networking.
Career Boost
Providing a career boost through valuable opportunities for growth and development.
Our Reality Check
With over 150 approvals, there’s strong support for the initiatives. More than 20 international relations have been established, connecting with a global network. These achievements highlight the growing influence and commitment to building meaningful global connections.
International Relations